Petrova Gora-Monument
This beautiful autumn day we decide to use to visit the monument on Petrova Gora. Petrova Gora itself is an interesting excursion, which is a great number of visitors, but still, a small visit to the monument which is one of the most famous urban explore destinations in Croatia.
This largely devastated monument, the full name of the monument to the uprising of the people of Banija and Kordun, was the work of sculptor Vojin Bakić, and was erected on the highest peak of Petrova Gora Petrovcu. In the interior of the monument before the Homeland War was a museum related to the National liberation movement of this region, and this is one of the most important monuments of anti-fascist struggle. In the Homeland war, the space of the monument was the headquarters of JNA and Serb rebels, and there were a hospital and radio from which untruthful messages were transmitted for the purpose of the great Serbian propaganda. As mentioned above, it is largely devastated, but such a building is still interesting to see. It is in height, and from the top, the view of Slovenia, Zagreb and BiH. Regardless of the devastation, it is still one of the most interesting monuments of this type in Croatia. Although it is sad that such impressive buildings are left to the teeth of time, this monument still carries a dose of mystery, and its interesting history is a lure for urban exploration enthusiasts. What lies in the monument, we leave you to discover for yourself.
All in all, Petrova Gora, with all its attractions, is the perfect destination for everyone, especially for those who want to learn about its rich history. This monument is a silent witness to a wide range of historical events-from museums, through war devastation, to devastation and neglect. Despite everything, he still stands proudly and waits for his brighter future.