Brno Part 3-Lednice and Moravský Kras
Our visit to the Czech Republic would not be complete without outdoor activities. We give a few suggestions, but we leave the overall organization to our dear hosts. The first destination is the beautiful Lednice scenery, where there is one of the largest castles we have ever seen. This castle was built in the neogotic style, and was almost 700 years owned by the Liechtenstein family. The beautiful park surrounding the castle is least said, magical. Various types of beautifully decorated flowers surround you at all times and almost make you get lost in that colorful wilderness.

The castle itself is very large, and you can tour it through several guided tours. In each you will learn a part of the history of this castle, and see the royal furniture and get an authentic sense of life in such a building. What impressed us particularly was the original staircase, made without any metal parts. Within the castle there is also a greenhouse over 100 meters long, where you can see various types of plants from all parts world.
Although the castle and its park are the main reason we visited this area, it is interesting that a large number of cyclists come here both from Czech Rep and the surrounding countries. According to our hosts, this place is especially popular among cyclists, because of the large number of cycling trails that lead through this picturesque landscape along the Dyje River. We agreed immediately, we will bring bicycles to one of the following visits to the Czech Republic.
After this great cycling region, we visited another. On the way back we visited the monastery in Rajhrad. In the monastery there is a small souvenir shop and a large church with frescoes. In addition, there is also the so-called Monastery Tavern, where we stopped for a beer. As I mentioned, we were impressed by this place and a large number of cyclists, Czech and foreign. We decide to spend the rest of the day walking, and left early to rest, because tomorrow we were visiting Moravsky kras and returning to Croatia.

Moravsky Kras is a natural reserve near Brno. In addition to the ‘visible’ natural beauties there are those ‘invisible’. Namely, according to the guide, this end “looks like cheese”, ie. in the underworld there is a large number of caves, more than a thousand. From so many caves, only five are open for tourists, and we can boast that we have visited three – Jeskyně Balcarka, Kateřinská jeskyně and Sloupsko-Šošůvské Jeskyně (Jeskyně is the Czech word for the cave). I can’t sayone which one that we liked the most, because they are all really very beautiful, and the handrails and stairs were designed so that the caves suffer minimal damage, which, as fanatical nature lovers we especially like. There are enormous stalactites, stalagmites and you really feel like you’re in another world.
Of course, besides the caves here there are many more things that every lover of nature can enjoy. From the Macocha pit to numerous hiking trails and excursion sites. Unfortunately, due to lack of time we didn’t visit all of them, but we plan to come here with hiking equipment to explore everything this region offers.

After this wonderful excursion it is time to go to the bus station and return to Croatia. Last hours of our free time we used for another short stroll through the center of Brno and lunch, and then we embarked on a long journey home. This trip was really wonderful and we had a lot of new experiences. We saw Brno and were guided by its inhabitants, which completely changed the experience of the entire trip. The next time is already in plan and until then – na shledanou!