Political school in Kumrovec, 19th October 2019
This weekend we were really into Zagorje, so we decided to visit perhaps the most controversial place in Croatia-Kumrovec.
Kumrovec, according to their slogan, is the most famous village in the world. We all know who’s responsible for that. This village is a world-repute because of Josip Broz Tito, who was born there. Every year, the village gets a lot of attention because of the celebration of Youth Day, attracting an increasing number of people. I’m really looking forward to visiting next year.
Opinions about Tito are divided, and whether you love him or hate him, I leave you to decide. To me he is one of the most charismatic and ‘coolest’ people of all time and absolutely nothing can change my opinion.

Politics aside. This time the love for exploration of abandoned buildings (urbex) inspired us to visit the old political school. I wanted to visit this place for years, so we had to hurry before the place was sold and turned into an alleged amusement park dedicated to Tito. What exactly is that supposed to be, I can’t imagine.
Anyway, according to internet sources, this building was built in 1981. The political school was the place of education of the personnel of the Union of Communists of Yugoslavia. It was used until 1990, when the need for this kind of school ceased. We also learnt that the last president of the school was Ivica Račan. Today it’s empty and waiting for the lady called Yu (ironic name, don’t you think?) to set up the aforementioned amusement park. I hope she will change her mind after all.

My excitement over coming couldn’t be spoiled by anything, not even getting lost or my motorcycle disobeying orders. When I saw it, I felt like normal people feel when they see a luxury resort. Obviously not everyone sees beauty in the same things.
We parked the bikes behind so we can take the best pictures. We entered the school at the front. Behind the broken front door, there’s a big room opening up in front of us, and I was really excitet, while Neven was carrying all my stuff. I’m Sorry 😀 In general, the building is in surprisingly good condition. The greatest trace of time is seen in a place that was once probably a bar, and in several other rooms.

My euphoria diminished at the sight that truly shocked me. Literally a bunch of books by various authors lies scattered and heavily destroyed by moisture. Horror. My mind couldn’t figure out the fact that no one bothered to put those books away somewhere. Everyone who has been in some dominant positions at any time is represented as intellectuals, and yet they allow a bunch of books to get hurt like this. Perhaps it is because of this collective amnesia that prevails here in Croatia, and for which it is intolerable to remember that Croatia was once part of Yugoslavia, that everyone cried when Tito died, and yes, that we did not live behind the Iron Curtain:)

Again, politics aside. I’d like to see the school again and just explore it from the bottom to the top.

After the tour we head towards Karlovac. We road on the beautiful Zagorje road that makes the ride a true pleasure. Soon my father and a friend joined us, and together we continue the journey. This excursion was a good introduction to the Zagorje weekend, and on Sunday we were were going to Bedekovčina. Beautiful, almost springy time gave us a wonderful weekend, which will certainly be one of the main topics for the winter retelling. We’re looking forward to a new motorcycle season!